Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Pink is soooo the new green!

The Firm has worked diligently to assist their newest client, the American Cancer Society, with promotion for Breast Cancer Awareness month. As October ends, the relationship is continuing through an upcoming event appropriately titled 'Pink is the New Greene.'

Assistant Firm Director Linzy Smith discusses the event and how members can get involved.

The American Cancer Society (ACS) wants to honor Breast Cancer Awareness month by coloring Greene County pink and hosting the “Pink is the New Greene” event Wednesday, Nov. 7, at 4:30 p.m.  The event is organized by Waynesburg University’s Public Relations Student Society of America PRSSA Firm. 

Although October is the official Breast Cancer Awareness Month, ACS knows the importance of raising awareness every month. The Waynesburg Courthouse steps will premiere this gathering featuring Greene County Commissioners Archie Trader and Pam Snyder, Volunteer Leadership Council Secretary Carol Young, as well as other keynote speakers.

Firm members have showed their dedication by acquiring more than $200 in pledges, decorating Waynesburg University’s campus with an assortment of pink ribbons and working closely with ACS to organize, plan and execute this event.

All members of PRSSA are welcome to assist during the event by setting up decorations prior to commencement, obtaining pledges before and during the event and cleaning up afterwards. Everyone in attendance is asked to wear pink to celebrate the cause. We look forward to working with and seeing everyone on Wednesday!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Gif Tuesdays- Blogging for success

In today's world, everyone thinks that they're going to start a blog and become famous. For most people, that's not the case. As future practitioners, however, we need to be conversant with how blogs work and how to update them with interesting content. We never know who our clients will be or what they need, so it's our job to be prepared for anything.

And who knows, maybe someday you will be a big-time blogger. We can all dream.

Monday, October 29, 2012

The Week in Review

Happy Frankenstorm! 

We're not sure which is worse, a case of the Mondays or the constant rain we're about to have. Either way, stay safe and be prepared for changing weather conditions. 

In addition to Sandy, we have a few additional events happening this week:


  • 'Pink is the New Greene' Event
    • Courthouse steps, 4:30 p.m.
    • Contact Renee Bamford if you're able to assist
    • Please check Facebook and Twitter for postponement updates
  • PRSA Pittsburgh Professional Development Day
    • Please meet in the Stover parking lot no later than 6:30 a.m. Tuesday
  • Dignity & Respect Campaign Pledge Drive
    • 5 to 7 p.m. in Benedum
    • Contact Haley Greene if you're able to assist
  • Dignity & Respect Campaign Pledge Drive, round 2
    • 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the BeeHive
    • Again, contact Haley to help
  • Nominations Meeting at 9 p.m. in Buhl 416
    • If you're interested in becoming president, vice president/firm director or public relations director, please alert someone before the meeting 
    • If you attend to nominate someone, please let them know ahead of time

Enjoy the last week of October!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Follow Friday- Who are you Twitter stalking?

All we can say is TGIF. 

Before you celebrate too much, check out these great accounts you should be following on Twitter:

Mashable is a great resource for social media news. Their tweets range greatly from news and trends in social media to the most popular video of the week.

PR Jobs posts job listings from around the United States every day. Enough said.

PR News continually supplies it followers with different stories, how-to articles and trends in the public relations field.

Lauren is the national PRSSA president for the 2012-2013 year. She is talkative, shares great insight and articles into the field. It's always good to get to know the leadership team in PRSSA nationally.

This Twitter account is an extension of a Tumblr blog, 99 Problems but a Pitch Ain't One. It is a humorous collection of GIF images portraying different challenges and issues within the PR industry. Check it out for a good (and accurate) laugh.  

Image via

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Internship Corner: Mitch Graham

Summer internships are designed to give students approaching the end of their academic career a time to apply what they've learned in the classroom to real situations with real organizations, real businesses and real people. They're nerve-wracking, challenging and unrelenting, but they're also invaluable, rewarding and sometimes fun.

I spent my summer working as an Account Services intern at PAPA (pay-pa) Advertising in Erie, Pa. PAPA is a full service advertising agency that offers services in advertising, branding, interactive design and public relations. With only six full time staff and three part time, the office environment was very hard working, but very laid back and causal at the same time.

I was given my own office with a view, which was fantastic. I was one of two interns, the other being a graphic design intern. I reported directly to the vice president who is also the primary PR person at the agency.

While I was at PAPA, I worked on average thirty hours a week. While I worked, I was primarily responsible for a number of things, including:
   Assist in conducting and reporting brand discovery focus groups.
   Create and distribute press releases for multiple clients.
   Write white papers discussing current trends in the marketing and public relations industries.
   Establish and maintain social media presences.
   Serve as client-to-agency liaison for a local nonprofit organization.
   Create and distribute agency & client e-newsletters.
   Write and update copy for online banner advertisements, paid search advertisements, and online business listings.
   Review and proofread proposals and various client material.
   Utilize AP Style.
   Serve as receptionist; greet clients, answer phone calls, emails, etc.

For the most part, I really enjoyed working at PAPA. I've worked in a corporate office setting and at Waynesburg University's Office of University Relations, and I definitely enjoyed working in a creative agency space and working with multiple clients at the same time. Each day is something new, and there's never enough time to get bored with something! I also enjoyed the informal setting at PAPA. Skip, the owner and president of PAPA, loved to bring his dog Bella into the office. On select Fridays, the guys at the agency would pitch money together and split a six-pack amongst everybody, which is something I've never experienced before, and was shocking to me at first. All in all, I loved the creative, laid back style that the agency fully embraced.

Overall, I would recommend any PR major to intern at an agency at some point in their career. The creative energy, unique and hard working, fast paced setting is unmatched in a corporate setting. I thoroughly enjoyed my internship at PAPA Advertising and would not mind working there again in the future!

-Mitch Graham, senior public relations major

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Firm Update: Fighting to end hunger

Waynesburg University stands on the core values of faith, serving and learning. It's magic when students can combine this trifecta and benefit the community. Last month, our wonderful firm worked with the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank to combat this issue:

Waynesburg University public relations students in PRSSA’s Firm successfully launched a campaign in September designed to increase awareness of the hunger needs of Greene County residents and persuade community members to donate, volunteer and speak out against hunger. Students assisted the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank to promote Hunger Action Month in September through a 30 Ways in 30 Days calendar that informs people how to end the hunger crisis and through the design of fliers placed in Waynesburg businesses.

One in seven of Greene County’s neighbors struggle with hunger and it is our mandate as a student-run firm with a mission of serving the community to help put an end to this crisis.

“When the opportunity arouse for the Firm to help with the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank we were thrilled at the chance to make an impact,” said Renee Bamford, firm director. “Waynesburg’s community has offered so much to the university and as public relations students we want to make a real impact for a worthy organization.”

Public service announcements were aired on 99.5 The Hive informing the community as to how they can help end hunger. At Harvey Grange’s Produce to People, PRSSA’s Firm and 99.5 The Hive aided the food security partnership by promoting the nationwide Hunger Action Month.

An emergency food drive was held on September 21 outside of the courthouse steps in Waynesburg that collected more than 10,000 pounds of food. Firm members designed and distributed handouts informing the community how to donate through a virtual food drive.

After evaluating the most effective way to inform residents of the services offered with the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank and ways to help out, students designed church bulletin inserts that were distributed to churches throughout Greene County.

“This is only the beginning to a growing relationship,” Bamford said. “Every day we are developing new ways to help end hunger in Greene County and we guarantee that a true difference will be made.”

The Firm’s efforts to assist Fighting Hunger in Greene County continues with the promotion of bringing canned goods to Greene County polling locations to show the need to solve the hunger crisis during elections.

Well done, firm members! Keep being awesome!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

GIF Tuesdays: Instagram has your back

When Instagram made an update to translate @ mentions to Twitter.

Image via

Monday, October 22, 2012

Week in Review

Happy Monday! 

This week and next are pretty busy, so make sure you're checking your email and our social media pages. 

Here's the rundown:
  • Wednesday, Oct. 24
    • Preparations for Media Day will begin at 10 a.m.
    • This includes stuffing folders, organizing materials for the day, etc.
    • If you're available, please come to the fourth floor of Buhl at that time
  • Thursday, Oct. 25
    • Media Day! Set up begins at 8:30 a.m.
    • Work assignments will be distributed later this week
    • Harvest Festival!
      • We're selling caramel corn at the event in Johnson Commons. Please watch for an email update from Haley Greene 

This week and next are full of exciting events. Be sure to participate. Practicum hours and points!