Friday, November 23, 2012

A site you should know

This Friday, we're just letting you know about a monitoring site that public relations professionals utilize. BurrellesLuce creates and enhances products to help with the entire PR process. 

In a job interview, they make ask if you're knowledgeable with this site, or other monitoring sites. Make sure you're keeping yourself informed so if they ask you about it, you can wow them and show them you're passionate about your career. 

Thursday, November 22, 2012

What Thanksgiving dinner can teach you about communication

Originally featured through Public Relations Matters
Written by Barbara Nixon

As I sat there in the pre-dawn hours at my in-laws’ home in Biloxi, sipping my coffee in the dark, listening to nearly a dozen relatives snoring (mostly) quietly, I began to reflect on Thanksgiving and what it means to me. And inevitably, I started making connections between this traditional large family meal and my college classes. Why? I don’t know. But it popped into my head, so I went with it. I started thinking . . . what has Thanksgiving dinner taught me that has made me a better communicator? And this is what I came up with.

Turkey: The best turkey I ever had was a deep-fried one. Mmmm. But boy oh boy can deep frying a turkey be a dangerous task. In my classes, sometimes I like to walk on the edge a bit with our discussions. I must always remember to keep the metaphorical fire extinguisher nearby, just in case of explosions.

Cranberry Sauce: It doesn’t all need to be sweetness and light in my classes. I can be tangy/tart and get some points across even better. I just need to watch for my snark level getting too high.

Dressing / Stuffing: Just like some folks prefer stuffing (cooked inside the turkey) and others prefer dressing (cooked outside), my students have preferred learning styles. If I want them all to learn, I need to offer both.

Rolls: At our house, the rolls were often an afterthought. Sometimes we baked them halfway through the meal and served them almost at the end. Great teaching ideas sometimes crop up last minute, too.

Gravy: The first time I had Thanksgiving with my in-laws, I saw my soon-to-be mother-in-law making hard-boiled eggs. When I asked, “What are the eggs for?” she looked at me quizzically and said, “For the gravy, of course.” It was that day that I learned that some of my preconceived notions about how things should be done were way off base. The gravy — hard-boiled eggs, gizzards & all — was wonderful. Sometimes I need to add something a colleague suggests, something that may seem off-base to me at first, into my classes just to mix things up a bit.

Green Bean Casserole: Has there ever been a tastier, yet less attractive, side dish? Sometimes the methods I use in my class may seem a bit slopped together, but I promise there is a method behind the madness, and it will all come out “tasting” wonderful in the end.

“Uncle Oscar”: I think everyone has that one relative — we’ll call him Uncle Oscar here — who you invite to dinner knowing full well he will attempt to monopolize the dinner conversation.  Consider making placecards and assigning seats for dinner. Whoever had the pleasure of sitting near Uncle Oscar last year gets to sit at the opposite end of the table this year. And in class, when I have an Uncle Oscar — the student who feels compelled to answer EVERY question I ask — I do my best to ask questions in a way so that Uncle Oscar doesn’t get the opportunity to answer first, at least. For example, I may say, “Let’s hear from two or three people who went to high school outside of the state of Florida,” knowing full well that Uncle Oscar is a local boy. Or “Let’s hear from the last person to take his or her seat in class today.” And many times, I’ll have whoever has just answered a question choose who answers the next question. This helps us hear from more voices and learn from more points of view than just Uncle Oscar, no matter how smart or sweet he is.

Black Olives: As I was growing up, my mother would always open a can of black olives and leave it in the fridge before Thanksgiving dinner. It always brought us into the kitchen so we could snitch an olive or two while she was cooking. Similarly, I leave a basket of candy in my office at all times. (I’m not confident my students share my affinity for black olives!) Some of the best conversations I have with my students are when they just happen to pop by for a Fireball, Nerds or a Snickers bar.

Dessert: My favorite part of Thanksgiving dinner is eating pie for breakfast the day after Thanksgiving. In my classes, I like starting with the fun stuff first, especially when the previous class (meal) was a bit on the heavy side.

Leftovers: With every Thanksgiving dinner, at least every Nixon one, comes leftovers. Lots and lots of leftovers. Well, we often have planned-overs (we cook extra of some of the food with intentions of having it for another meal later.) I frequently give students bite-size chunks of information on one day that I intend for them to repurpose another day in class. The key is getting them to remember the information from the previous day.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Internship Corner: Chelsea Cummins

Senior public relations student Chelsea Cummins reflects on her summer with Judith Kelly + Associates.

My summer with Judith Kelly + Associates was everything I wanted and more. It provided me with amazing experience working in the fast paced environment I was looking for. As project coordinator, I was responsible for many tasks with multiple clients. In particular I worked with the Dignity & Respect Campaign, Hilltop Alliance, Steel City Improv Theater and the Design Center. 

My main responsibilities involved media relations, writing and social media. Toward the end of my summer I worked in event planning for a major breakfast through the D&R Campaign. All of my work reinforced my passion for public relations. I'm blessed to know this is what I want to do for the rest of my life. 

The best advice I can give to younger students is know what you want and go for your dreams. Playing it safe won't help you reach them. My two life goals were to work in a firm and move to Pittsburgh. After receiving the internship with JK+A, I had to find an apartment near the city, which was terrifying. But I went for it. 

People told me that it would be hard, and they were right, but it was worth it. Don't let the haters tell you something is too hard. If you want it, you can make it happen. It's your life. Never settle for something you only kind of want or people tell you is a good idea. 

This doesn't just apply for public relations. Anything you want. You're too young to play it safe.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

When you don't get the information you need.

We've all been there. Whether you're working for a client or helping someone by answering questions, at least one person probably failed to get you what you needed in a timely fashion. The worst part is we're only trying to help and they make it 10 times harder by taking too long to deliver the information. 

If that person is you, check yourself. 

Image via 99 Problems but a Pitch Ain't One

Monday, November 19, 2012

Welcome to break

It's official. We made it. 

Congratulations members. After a grueling semester, it's finally Thanksgiving break, also known as the first of the most magical times of the new school year. Sure, we still have three weeks of school left, including the daunting week of finals, but this week is a life saver.

By the time it arrives each year, we're burnt out. We're overworked. We're about to drop out to alleviate the stress. Without a fall break, we can barely function when November rolls around. But every year, just when we think we can't handle any more, break arrives. 

So be thankful this week. Be thankful for the home you returned to and the time away from school to recharge your batteries. And don't forget to be thankful that you're in college and dealing with all this stress. 

Yeah, we said it. And we mean it. So many don't have this magnificent opportunity you do. Sure, it can be terrible, but you're future is bright. Don't lose sight of that. You're accomplishing something great every day you think you can't take anymore, and we're proud of you. 

Keep being awesome, enjoy your break and be thankful for everything you have, the good and bad. 

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Internship Corner: Linzy Smith

This week's internship blog comes from Assistant Firm Director Linzy Smith, who served as an intern in marketing and public relations at Marietta Memorial Hospital:

From May 14, 2012 to Aug. 17, 2012, I interned in the marketing and public relations sector at Marietta Memorial Hospital (MMH) in Marietta, Ohio. Beginning my internship at MMH required a lot of basic, preliminary training and processes. Although I was only an intern for more than three months, I had to go through the same process as any other employee. I received shots and had a physical done. I was given several tours of the hospital to ensure I knew what I was writing about and also to familiarize me with the environment.

My responsibilities this week were all of which I was familiar with: writing, editing and interviewing. As a student at Waynesburg University, I have exhausted these skills in every public relations class. My daily duties involved the following: writing and production of brochures, press releases, fact sheets, information packets, as well as using Associated Press Style to edit, update and maintain the company websites, social media accounts and other electronically available media, as well as organizing, structuring and planning events. The two most significant tasks I worked on were the Belpre Open House and the internal marketing campaign. I was the event coordinator for the major opening of the medical campus twenty minutes away. Alongside all work, we were developing an internal campaign for the hospital employees.

Although I gained invaluable experience at the hospital, there were parts that I didn’t like as much. I would much rather be working directly with the public than sitting at a desk all day--I’m not someone who would be able to work an office job; however, I learned so much being there and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

My advice to any upcoming seniors is to narrow a focus in your major. This way, students will be able to find an internship that highlights those particular areas of interest rather than working broadly in marketing sectors that may not enhance their abilities. Overall, any internship provides a great experience that helps students learn what they want to do with their future and provides long-term, professional connections for the business world.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

We're getting so close...

It's almost Thanksgiving Break! Which means it's almost time to celebrate.

Enjoy it, children.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Monday Funday

Whoever said Monday's are no fun never experienced the last Monday before Thanksgiving break. Next week is God's glorious gift to His children at Waynesburg University because we don't get a fall break. When we return it's almost the end of the semester. Pure magic. 

Until Friday arrives and we wake up like it's Christmas morning, keep in mind that this Thursday, Nov. 15, is the PRSA Pittsburgh Professional Development Day. If you're coming, be in the Stover parking lot no later than 6:15 a.m. If you're late we will leave you. 

Remember this conference is a professional dress event. Keep in the mind the amazing tips we received from Victoria Beppler at our nominations meeting. 

When you're home during break, collect some nonperishable goods to contribute to our Lend a Hand food drive for Greene County. Giving back is cool, yo. 

Friday, November 9, 2012

Follow Friday

David Kirk @thePRguycom
David Kirk is a public relations professional with more than 30 years of experience. He tweets regularly about social media success, journalism and public relations and general professional advice, like PowerPoint advice and how to participate well in meetings.

Marketing/PR Jobs @MarketJobsUSA
This Twitter account supplies its followers with countless entry-level job opportunities in the marketing and public relations industries. It’s geared specifically towards students and recent graduates, so it’s a must follow for those looking for an internship or an entry level job.

Max Borges Agency @MaxBorgesAgency
Based in Miami, Fla., Max Borges Agency is the number one technology and social media agency in the United States. They focus 100 percent on consumer electronics, and have received numerous awards, including recognition from Inc. magazine in 2009, 2010 and 2011 as one of the fastest growing companies and are considered in the top 25 places to work in the PR industry.

Faded Industry @fadedindustry
Are you interested in event planning? Do you enjoy nightlife, going out with your friends and having a good time? Faded Industry is a night life and event promotions company in Pittsburgh, Pa. Their chief client is a brand of vodka, and they love to party. It could be a very interesting networking opportunity for the right person.

Sarah Skerik @SarahSkerik
Sarah is the vice president of social media for PR Newswire, and tweets about social media, SEO and PR. She regularly tweets different “PR Daily” issues from different sources. There’s lots of good reading here.

PRSA’s PR Tactics @PRSAtactics
PR Tactics is PRSA’s monthly newspaper, as most of us already know. Their Twitter account regularly posts PRSA announcements, research findings, and recap videos of different webinars, discussions and conferences.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Internship Corner- Samantha Scribner

This week's internship blog comes from Chapter President Samantha Scribner, who served as the External Affairs Intern with Cabot Oil & Gas:

At the beginning of my summer internship with Cabot Oil & Gas Corporation in Pittsburgh, Pa., I outlined exactly what I hoped to gain from my summer internship there. Reflecting on that experience, I’m pleased to say that of those goals and ideals, I had the opportunity and great fortune to meet and exceed each one. 

One of the first sentences I spoke to my would-be internship supervisors during my interview was that I knew little about Marcellus Shale and natural gas drilling. After three months with Cabot, I feel like I could write a book about the amazing stuff that has been under my feet all this time. Though I’m far from an expert, I’ve both learned and witnessed first-hand more than just the fundamentals of Cabot’s operations. 

My first trip to Susquehanna County, Pa., (about five hours north east of Waynesburg) afforded me a custom rig tour from Cabot’s experts; I could have written an entire blog post about the sheer excitement of seeing a rig for the first time and learning the different parts. 

As an External Affairs Intern I had the unique experience of learning about water recycling, air quality, land reclamation and much more right alongside Cabot’s blog readers and Twitter followers. Not only did I learn about Cabot’s hand in Marcellus shale development and extraction, but I also learned about and have become an unofficial advocate of natural gas as a clean fuel alternative. I closely follow anti-fracing groups and spokespeople and have to laugh sometimes.

Surely every fossil fuel and energy source will bring challenges, but I’ve seen and read enough to know that natural gas is the nation’s best hope for sustainable, affordable and perhaps most importantly, domestic, energy.  It took no persuasion from Cabot or any industry group for me to learn this truth; it only took an open mind and research of pure, scientific facts.  

Not only did I wish for an enhanced knowledge of the oil and gas industry, but also for a quality public relations experience. As a public relations major soon to graduate from Waynesburg University, I found my internship to be of the utmost value to my career ambitions. My supervisors provided me with autonomy and trust in all of my duties, and under their direction I grew to understand and practice multiple aspects of public relations. 

From helping to plan an incredibly successful event with more than 7,000 attendees to blogging and tweeting daily from a corporate account, I’ve learned the impact that community outreach can have on a company and on the people that company serves. I also had the rare internship opportunity to present my work to the CFO of a large company and to work with external contractors to bring a project to fruition. 

Much to my delight, I even learned to decode some of the industry’s acronyms and jargons and how to communicate and spell them for the daily blog posts I wrote for Cabot. At the end of the summer, I found myself truly excited to return to Waynesburg University, located in Greene County, Pa. (which is experiencing its own Marcellus shale boom) and join the conversation about natural gas and hydraulic fracturing. 

I advise anyone looking for an internship to consider not only what you hope to gain from an internship but also what you can bring to the table. Find your niche and pursue it. Doing so will make you more marketable and more well versed in the field of your choice. I also encourage prospective interns to go above and beyond – which, though cliché, makes a world of difference in any professional setting.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Some nights I break down and cry

When there's so much going on, and you feel like you just can't win.

We've all been there. We're PR students, it's normal. Sometimes in life, you get overwhelmed and there's only one solution- put off your work, eat your favorite food and have yourself a good cry. Sometimes it's all you can do. 

Title and image via 99 Problems but a Pitch Ain't One

Events Today!

Today's a busy day! Please attend both our events:
  • Pink is the New Greene
    • This is the Firm's event for our newest client, the American Cancer Society
    • Join us at the Greene County Courthouse Steps at 4:30 p.m.
  • Internship Presentations
    • PRSSA members Sam Scribner, Mitch Graham and Chelsea Cummins will present about their 2012 summer internships
    •  Come to McCance Auditorium at 6:30 p.m., refreshments will be available after
    • Most classes may give you bonus for attending, and you can get points
 See you later!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Follow Friday

PR Daily @PRDaily
This Twitter account is the official feed for the popular PR, marketing and social media news site, It’s a great source of stories, tips and trends with a humorous twist. Check it out.

Bad Pitch Blog @badpitch
Mention Bad Pitch Blog to any PR professional, and they may call it their worst nightmare. Bad Pitch Blog is a collection of some of the most poorly written PR publications. If you’re looking for things to avoid, this is a good place to start.

Hoojobs @hoojobs
Hoojobs is a job board that specifically caters to the PR, communications and social media communities. Posting jobs from all across the United States, Hoojobs is a great place to check for new job openings.

Network Pittsburgh @NetwkPittsburgh
This Twitter feed is a great resource to connect with other professionals in the Greater Pittsburgh area. It posts jobs that are available in Pittsburgh, but primarily serves as a networking tool for professionals in our area.

Deanna Ferrari @dferrari
If you’re an upperclassman, you’ve probably heard Deanna speak. She’s spoken at Waynesburg University a few times, and loves to tweet PR-related things. She’s friendly and would love to connect with you.